Starting a New Facebook Page: Week 3 Recap (or How I Got 783 Followers For 3 Cents Each)

by | Sep 24, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Last week, I made the leap from engagement ads to Facebook Like Ads in an effort to grow the number of followers on the new page. If you’ve been following along, you know followers are the key to long-term growth. Unlike engagement ads, which are great for initial interaction, followers are the people you can re-engage with over and over again—for free.

Here’s how things went down.

The Facebook Like Ad Strategy

To kick off the Like Ad campaign, I kept things simple. I reused a post that had already been performing well on the page. No need to reinvent the wheel, right?

I set the ad to target only US followers since that’s the audience I’m aiming for. Sure, international followers can be cheaper, but they wouldn’t be as relevant to the content and goals of the page. If you’re in it for long-term success, you need to make sure you’re reaching the right people.

I started small, with just $1 a day for 5 days. The goal was to see how much each follower would cost and adjust the strategy based on that.

The Results: Patience Pays Off

At first, things moved a bit slowly. In the beginning, I was paying 8 cents per follower, which wasn’t bad, but not quite where I wanted to be. But here’s the thing with Facebook ads—you’ve got to be patient. Let Facebook’s algorithm do its thing, and it’ll start to find the best audience for you.

And that’s exactly what happened. By the end of the ad run, the cost per follower had dropped to 3 cents. That’s right, 3 cents per follower!

The lesson here? Be patient. Facebook ads take a few days to really hone in on the best audience, and if you panic and change things too quickly, you won’t see the full potential.

Scaling Up: Increasing the Budget

With the ad performing so well, I decided to up the budget. I bumped it up to $3 per day and let the ad run for a total of 12 days. The results? 783 new followers for a total spend of just $21.75. Not too shabby for such a small investment!

Now that the page is steadily growing with new followers, the next phase is making sure the content keeps them engaged. We’ve got people on board—now it’s time to make sure they stick around.

What’s Next?

With the follower count growing, it’s time to focus on any necessary adjustments to content. Next week, I’ll dive into what’s working, what’s not, and how I’m tweaking my content strategy to keep that engagement high.

Until then, keep experimenting and growing. Stay tuned!